A Fantastic Party for everyone
13th December 2015
The West Lancashire Mark Children’s party was truly an outstanding success with over 70 children enjoying fun and games, led by the ‘big fella’ himself, children’s entertainer ‘Bazza’ who was on top form.
Early arrivals start to play
Bazza gets things moving
Two of the ealy prize winners with Bazza
But it was not just the children who enjoyed the party at Leyland Masonic Hall. Mum’s, Dad’s and Grandparent’s joined in the fun and games to a make it truly family Christmas Party which went on none stop from 2 o’clock till it was time food and drink for the children and the highlight of the afternoon, ‘meeting Father Christmas’
The parents join in
The Hoki Koki
Back to the kids again
After the food had been eaten, with ‘gusto’ I might add by the children. They were escorted to the ‘grotto’ to meet ‘Father Christmas’ and to receive a present which, from the look’s on their faces they were really excited to receive.
Bazza tells a tale
Full speed ahead
Come dine with us
Every year the Christmas party seems to get better and this year was no exception. The children were exceptional well catered for as were the parents and grandparents.
I thought he might be a bit too old for this
Lets meet Father Christmas
Congratulations to the organisers’ far too many to mention, very well done, you can be very proud.
Another top score for the Mark Degree.

Article and Photos Courtesy of Fred Lomax